Product images are for illustrative purposes only. The original product may vary, so please refer to the product specification and optional extras available with each item before purchase.

Schönheim 0,5 varikatus

Article number: LA120-2925 Area: 6,6m2 Gross Ground Area: 7,3m2
Lao tühjendusmüük! NB! Tegu on pikalt välilaos seisnud vana tootega, võib esineda defekte, vigastatud detaile, niiskus- ja muid kahjustusi. Palmako AS ei vastuta defektide ega kahjustuste eest. Palmako AS ei käsitle praak- ja vanade toodete puhul kliendikaebusi. e-poe hind sisaldab transporti üle Eesti!

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Main product
Natural untreated wood

The product is made of natural untreated wood and must be treated with a wood preservative as soon as possible.

Optional products
Schönheim 0,5 varikatuse tagasein

The product is made of natural untreated wood and must be treated with a wood preservative as soon as possible.

Schönheim 0,5 varikatuse külgsein

The product is made of natural untreated wood and must be treated with a wood preservative as soon as possible.

Free delivery within Estonia
Total: €0
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